Table Talk With Dr. Ruth Macdonald
May 14, 2019
Welcome to the Iowa Food & Family Project’s Table Talk podcast. This season, we’ll be exploring your questions about food, and everything is on the table! You’ll hear from Iowa experts on topics across the farm-to-fork chain – ranging from confusing food label claims and product recalls to menu trends and food waste.
In the first episode this season, we sit down with Dr. Ruth MacDonald. She’s the Chair of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University and is passionate about combating myths and misinformation around today’s food system.
She’ll help you separate fact from fiction about the preservatives, GMOs and hormones in the products you find at the grocery store. “It’s really gratifying when I can help people realize they don’t need to be afraid of food, that conventional food is just as safe to feed your kids as organic,” she says.
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