Women – They Truly are Their Own Breed

By Amber Selman, CommonGround Iowa – Farm Owner, Wife, Daughter and Mom 

As I sit here tonight, I can’t sleep. My mind tosses and turns with so many thoughts, hopes, dreams, worries, questions, wishes and so on. No, this isn’t out of the ordinary for me as a farmer, wife and mom of three kids to be up at night with my head spinning in thoughts. Honestly, it’s sometimes when I do my best thinking; the other time is when milking cows. 

So tonight, as I soak up the 60-degree February night in the middle of the False Spring we’re having, with a bright moon against a very dark sky, my mind wanders to a place I often go. But tonight, I finally have all the right words in place to write it down. To truly put into words the impact women, whether by growing food or eating food, have had and continue to have across the nation.

A Breed of Their Own 

Women. They truly are a breed of their own. We have so many traits that you don’t always find. From knowing how to butcher a chicken or pull a calf to the strength it takes to run a household or stand out in a crowd; the level of dedication and perseverance is great. But you see, we also have struggles that others likely haven’t experienced in decades, except other women. These are the times we often turn to others in similar situations to reassure us we are doing our best. The situation we find ourselves facing is one many are going through. It reminds us that women are unique and have a characteristic package not often found anywhere else. 

An Abundance of Patience

Women. We are the most patient people you will probably ever meet. Whether it’s trying to get a newborn calf to drink its first bottle or trying to fit family time around busy schedules, women most definitely know patience. We take whatever is thrown our way with grace. We, most of the time, don’t overreact and instead take a deep breath physically or mentally and begin working on a game plan to figure things out. 

Resourcefulness is at Our Core

Women. We are some of the most creative minds you will ever know. MacGyver who? Women can do amazing things and solve problems with simple everyday items. Twine string, duct tape or a plastic jug. If you name it, we can find a solution. This also comes into play when preparing food. I don’t know how often I have looked in my fridge or freezer and started piling things together for a casserole or soup. Most of the time, it turns out amazing, but there are some duds along the way. I know my grandma could do the same thing.  As I read the Laura Ingalls Wilder series, I know those ladies had those skills as well. They used their resources wisely to ensure no one went hungry or their budgets weren’t busted when the family needed something. 

Bounds of Optimism 

Women. We are the most giving people you will likely ever know. It’s women’s deep soul that truly helps them raise children. It’s not an easy task – just ask any of us, but it’s that deep, caring, compassionate soul that shines through in women. It’s how we can raise children and believe in the future of this world, even if everything isn’t always perfect.

Multitasking at its Best 

Women. Multitasker doesn’t even begin to cover what we can do. Managing a business is hard. Managing a family is hard. Managing and caring for a marriage is hard. Yet we as women do it with grace and poise, and our heads held high. It may not happen all the time, but we have confidence in our abilities. And when we surround ourselves with other women, they help us remember the strength we truly do have. 

Women. We truly are a breed of our own with so many strengths and talents we often forget we have. We come from a long line of strong ladies before us and are preparing that road for the next generation of women. I see it each day with my two daughters. I see it when I’m doing something and am reminded that my grandma or mom used to do this. Women have been the backbone of so many aspects of our society for so many generations, and I don’t see that changing. We are strong. We are smart, and we are important. Let’s try and not forget that. Remind a fellow woman if you need to, even if that woman is you.